Dr Rowan Wallace
Dr Rowan Wallace
I’m a Consultant Geriatrician at University Hospital Crosshouse, NHS Ayrshire and Arran. I’m also Clinical Lead for Frailty and Co-ordinated Care.
I have a keen interest in contributing to, and bettering the care of older and frail people as close to their home as possible. My main base at present is within the front door Combined Assessment Unit leading our multi-disciplinary Frailty Team. I will be contributing my skills to our Hospital at Home service which we have piloted and will launch in 2022. My other interest is in peri-operative medicine. Together with our anaesthetic peri-operative lead, we have built a new service targeting comprehensive geriatric assessment to older people living with frailty who are in need of a lan elective surgical procedure. It’s early days for us and a growing service. We are hopeful to demonstrate improved outcomes, but more importantly, how realistic medicine principles and having the patient voice front and centre can improve the journeys through complex care for our Ayrshire people.
The BGS in Scotland needs to hear the voices of those who can advocate for better care of our older people. As we see further integration between primary and secondary care, community and acute, and importantly, social care both at home and in care homes, it’s important we aim to include as many keen individuals as we can. Our Scotland Council aims to represent all of our multi-disciplinary colleagues. We would love to hear from you.
Reach me on Twitter @rowan_wallace